Ministries of Students and Pupils - Baptiste
We build people so that they may be to their contemporaries what Jesus was to his own.
Seeing the world transformed into the image of Christ
M2E-B began to structure itself in Benin in 2018. It aims to promote the ministry of students and pupils in French-speaking African countries so that students are equipped to be a blessing to their local church and community.
Today, apart from Benin, M2E-B is active in 9 French-speaking countries: Togo, Niger, Burkina Faso, Mali, Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea Conakry, Cameroon and Senegal.
In order for our mission to be accomplished and our vision to be realized, we have four (04) major objectives:
- reaching students on campuses and in high schools with the Gospel;
- plant new churches, strengthen churches in need by providing reliable leadership; and encourage missionary task among students;
- train new converts, church leaders and student leaders in Christian education and sound theology;
- promote academic excellence and encourage entrepreneurship among students and in churches.
Students Department
We have helped one denomination start a student movement since 2018. In the nine (09) countries where we work, we have volunteers and representatives working to reach students in universities and high schools. In Benin, we have reached the 4 largest universities and we continue to work to reach other private universities.
Mission departement
We have planted four (04) churches since 2018: three (03) churches in the north of Benin and one (01) church in the center. We also have Bible story groups that will become churches. We have brought many students to the mission field to ignite the mission passion in them. Today, some of these students have become pastors and missionaries.
Department of Christian Education and Theology
We launched a School of Apologetics with over 25 students and a School of Missions with over 40 missionary students. We trained over 130 students in sound theology to reduce the influence of false gospels that harm the Church. We trained over 100 students in West Africa in trauma healing. We have trained pastors, church leaders and students in biblical Christianity.
Department of Business Promotion
Here, we are helping to change mindsets and help Christians develop an entrepreneurial spirit. We have developed strategic training courses to help brothers and sisters start small businesses in churches and among students. Many of those who have taken our training courses have already started income-generating activities.

Ministries of Students and Pupils - Baptiste
We build people so that they may be to their contemporaries what Jesus was to his own.
Our team,
zealous actors
M2E-B is led by young Baptists filled with zeal for Christian mission. Convinced of the importance of spreading the gospel to unreached territories, they have resolutely committed to using all the gifts given to them by the Lord for His work.
M2E-B currently has 5 full-time missionaries: the KOBA couple, Raoul OGOUDEDJI, Henri ETCHOLOU, and Rodriguez TITHO. All the results presented on this page are due to these missionaries and many young volunteers who support them daily in their work.

He works to ensure the smooth operation of all M2E-B departments and maintains the ministry's relations with organizations.

He handles the general secretariat but is also responsible for coordinating the students' department.

She manages the ministry's treasury and coordinates the resource management and entrepreneurship department.

He is responsible for coordinating the M2E-B mission department.

In addition to managing M2E's accounting, she assists the coordinator of the resource management and entrepreneurship department.

M2E Missionary